10/1/72; 5/22/79




A.  The continuation of the universe and all of its creatures and the stable state of the atmosphere depends on the omnipotence and immutability of Jesus Christ, Col 1:17; Heb 1:3.


B.  Scientific laws are a misnomer. Scientific laws, as such, do not exist, because science did not develop them, nor does science enforce them. Science cannot guarantee that NaCl will be NaCl tomorrow. But God promises that gravity will still operate.


C.  These so-called scientific laws are based on the statistical assumption that the universe, which operates according to a fixed norm, will continue to do so. Science can observe and apply, but the speculation of science is what is often in conflict with the Bible. Science can observe certain laws, but cannot guarantee their continuance.


D.  The universe with its matter, energy, and operating laws of God will not always exist as it does at the present time, 2 Pet 3:10-12; Rev 20:11. Interpretive classification is great in science, but the problem is philosophical speculation.


E.  Known scientific laws and phenomena, which man has been able to observe, classify, recognize and interpret, depend entirely upon the faithfulness of God. Every discovery of the pattern of the universe is a treatise on the faithfulness of Jesus Christ, who at the present time is guaranteeing the function of every bonified scientific law, Col 1:17; Heb 13:8.


F.  By the word of His power, Jesus Christ holds the universe together, Heb 1:3.


G.  Why is Christ holding the universe together?

            1. Christ is holding the universe together to resolve the angelic conflict in human history and to bring many sons into glory, Heb 2:10.

            2. The Lord Jesus Christ is holding the universe together in order to allow grace, which began with the Holy Spirit radiating heat over the ice pack Gen 1:2), to run its full course until He destroys the universe by nuclear fission at the end of history, 2 Pet 10-12.

            3. Man has been able to categorize and classify so that he can apply and utilize these laws.

            4. Occasionally these laws have been overruled by the sovereignty of God. For example, the day the sun stood still for Joshua in battle, Josh 10:12-14.

            5. The word of God will survive the destruction of the universe, as will the believer in resurrection body, Heb 12:26-28.


H.  Conclusion. Scientific laws are simply the faithfulness of Jesus Christ holding the universe together and at the same time holding back eternity, so that the human race will have the opportunity to appropriate the grace of God, and so that ultimately God will be glorified forever.



R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1992, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
